Why Businesses Choose Dedicated Managed Hosting

Dedicated Hosting

For people who want to build a successful online business, they have to choose the best web hosting plan that meets their needs. Often, when starting out with creating an online business, many people do not have the skills or IT team to successfully operate a web server. Paying for a dedicated web server is not beneficial if you do have the skills to make the most of the server’s resources and functions. As well, you have to have the knowledge and skills to properly maintain the server on a daily basis.  In these types of situations, dedicated managed web hosting is a good choice.

What is Managed Dedicated Hosting?

When acquiring a managed dedicated hosting plan, you will be provided with complete technical and customer support. The managed web host provider will take care of all of the tasks associated with administration of the server so that you do not have to hire a webmaster, and you will have more time to focus on actually growing and expanding the online business.

Types of Managed Hosting Solutions

It is important to be aware of the types of managed hosting plans available so that you can choose the best plan that meets your needs. These plans include:

  1. Fully Managed Hosting: With a fully managed hosting plan, you will pay more but you will have more support. The host provider will manage all of the server tasks such as maintaining maximum up-time, security monitoring, troubleshooting, installing upgrades, and fixing glitches in the system. The system will be monitored 24/7 and reports will be sent to you. If you find a fully managed hosting plan that seems unusually cheap, you should check to make sure it is actually a fully managed plan. A fully automated managed plan will be a plan that is the most expensive.
  2. Partially Managed Hosting: With a partially managed hosting solution, the web host provider will only manage certain tasks outlined in the agreement. This is a good choice for people who want complete control over certain tasks on the server. It is important to understand which services are included in the plan and which tasks are your responsibility

Managed Hosting is an ideal choice for people who want technical support and administration of their server. This type of hosting solution is often chosen by serious online businesses as it gives them the support they need and the flexibility to grow their online business.
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